Saturday, November 26, 2011

Keeping My Dukes Up

I am kinda proud of myself tonight.  I went to the Avalon, and imbibed a bunch of Franziskaners.  I looked over to my right, and saw a really good looking blonde.  For some reason, she moved from one side of the bar and sat right next to me.  Now, I knew this was some kind of test, and I refrained from talking to her.  I knew it wasn't a coincidence that she decided to move right next to me after I looked at her, but I am not an idiot anymore.

I am kinda proud of myself that I made no attempt to talk to her.  I think I have finally learned my lesson.  Doing so would have not been in my best interest, and after all my years of falling into that trap and getting a kick straight to my balls, I have learned to not fall for it.  I have finally learned to keep my dukes up.  Every woman I run into nowadays is like Ox Baker.. and I have to make sure I don't take a heart punch.  After A.C., I have finally had enough and will make damn sure I won't make the same mistake again.  I have resigned to the fact that I will probably end up dying alone, and seriously, I am OK with that.  At least it will be on my terms.  Like, W.E.H,  I am the master of my own fate and the captain of my own soul.  It is probably the only thing in my life that I have control over and it is the only thing keeping me from checking myself into the looney bin.

But still, keeping my dukes up is not enough. I am still leaving myself wide open for a liver shot, and that is the most painful strike I can take and still remain living.  But I am trying my best to keep that elbow in and trying to deflect it.  And so far, I think I am doing a pretty good job.

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Season for the Reason

If you know anything about me, you know that I loves the beer.  I have tried to stop drinking it many times, but those Miller genes in me put the kibosh on that nonsense.  And whilst inebriated, I tend to get very rational and very introspective.